Get to Know Our Community Habilitation and Respite Programs
Outside of ARC’s DayHab program we offer a variety of individualized care options. To help understand our CommHab and Respite programs, we’ve put together this Q&A with our Case Managers.
Who is the CommHab program for?
ARC’s CommHab program is for disabled Individuals who want to enhance their life skills through goal-oriented services.
What are the eligibility requirements?
While there are no age requirements, each Individual wanting to participate must have:
- An updated Annual Physical with PPD
- A current psychological evaluation with IQ scores
- A current psychosocial assessment
- Active Medical coverage
- Assigned Care Manager/Agency/CCO
- HCBS Waiver Services
What are the first steps for my family and loved one to take?
After providing the eligibility requirements, ARC Case Managers will meet with the Individual and family to determine the goals that best fit the Individual.
What are some of the goals CommHab can help my loved one achieve?
Some goals CommHab can help with include:
- Travel Training: navigating the public transit system, applying for a driver’s permit, obtaining a driver’s license, travel safety and getting to and from work locations, etc.
- Job Training: applying for jobs, getting a job, learning appropriate skills for the job, work attitude and customer interaction, etc.
- Money Management: budgeting, opening a bank account, learning how to use a credit card.
- Learning the Community: navigating to and from local facilities such as the movie theater, the laundromat and the library, etc.
How often can we use CommHab?
Frequency of service is based on the amount of allotted units as determined by OPWDD (Office for People with Developmental Disabilities). Each Individual is given a certain amount of program hours per week based on their current assessments and goals. The CommHab program typically takes place in the afternoon after 3pm, but can work around each Individual’s schedule.
How often are assessments done?
Progress assessments are performed every 6 months, or as needed. These include goal results, time spent with the program, surprise home visits and satisfaction surveys.
What does success look like?
Success is unique to each Individual based on their goals! We aim to increase their independence whether by getting a driving permit, obtaining a job, feeling secure to travel, opening a bank account or maintaining their own finances. We’ve even had Individuals move into their own home with their own finances. Overall we seek to improve the quality of an Individual’s life.

Who is the Respite program for?
Our Respite department provides families a relief from the daily responsibilities of caring for their loved one.
Do we have to be enrolled in another ARC program to participate in Respite?
You do not have to be enrolled in other ARC programs to participate in Respite. Our Respite department serves a wide variety of Individuals ranging in age from toddler to adult.
Is Respite for in-home care or on-location?
Both! Our Respite Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) come to you. We can provide in-home training or outside travel to museums, movie theaters, parks, you name it! During each interaction we incorporate skills training to continue building our client’s independence.
Have more questions about our CommHab or Respite programs? Please give us a call at 718-531-7500.