ARC Holiday Bus Trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania

ARC Holiday Bus Trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania

The Adult Resources Center invited its plan participants and their friends and family to take an all day holiday trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania on Saturday, December 8, 2018. The day’s activities included a trip to the outlet shopping center, which is a great place to do holiday gift shopping or find bargains for yourself. There …

Fun Day for ARC Day Habilitation Participants

Fun Day for ARC Day Habilitation Participants

One of the Adult Resources Center’s most popular programs is ARC Day Habilitation, which brings support and services to developmentally disabled adults and their families in the communities where they live. On August 24, 2018 participants enjoyed a special Fun Day at Seaview Park in Brooklyn. Fun Day activities feature games including balloon toss, tug of war, …

Have you seen the colorful ARC vans in your neighborhood?

Have you seen the colorful ARC vans in your neighborhood?

ARC, the Adult Resources Center serves developmentally disabled adults in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and the Bronx. As the vans say, our programs are designed to Affirm, Respect, and Connect our program participants. We Affirm their right to reach their full potential. We Respect their right to live without discrimination or isolation. We Connect them to …

ARC Friends & Family Brooklyn Block Party

ARC Friends & Family Brooklyn Block Party

On Saturday, July 21, ARC invited program participants, staff members, and our neighbors in the community to enjoy free food, music, snow cones, and a bounce house for younger children under the trees on East 55th Street between Glenwood Road and Avenue H. Music was provided by DJ (fill in name) and plenty of hamburgers …