Creativity with help from the National Grid Foundation!

Creativity with help from the National Grid Foundation!

In March, ARC’s day habilitation program had to stop meeting in person in order to keep everyone as safe as possible. As a whole, being home during this pandemic has lead to more people finding creative ways to spend their time. From learning a new instrument to reading more books (or more blogs like this) we have found ways of making life work indoors.

With a dedicated staff, ARC’s day habilitation program also managed to find creative ways to interact virtually. Part of this innovation was due to a generous grant from the National Grid Foundation. Thanks to this grant we were able to find creative activities to do at home and purchase both art and recreational supplies to be used outdoors. 

This year has lead to expanded horizons and creative socialization. It has proven that the sky is truly the limit when people come together. Thank you National Grid Foundation!