
Mission Statement

ARC represents the words that guide us as we help developmentally disabled adults lead a dignified, safe, and cherished life. Our guiding words are: Affirm. Respect. Connect.

  • We Affirm the right of developmentally disabled adults to reach their full potential.
  • We Respect their right to a fulfilling life without fear of discrimination or isolation.
  • We Connect them to the services they need in the communities where they live.


Today ARC does more, and reaches more families. We continue to grow and adapt as we deliver personalized, skilled, and loving support to our consumers and their families. ARC now includes five homes, Prevocational Services, Day Habilitation Services, Recreation and Leisure Services.

Assisting developmentally disabled adults in living a dignified life in a safe and loving environment is the Adult Resources Center, Inc.’s very special mission.